Friday, May 11, 2012

From rutabaga to squash to coconut, oh my!

Since BIG seems to be the theme of my blog posts this week, I want to report on another BIG thing - my BIG baby!

This week I had an ultrasound at 32 weeks to check on my low placenta... It was seriously .1 cm lower than it is supposed to be. What's up placenta? Get a move on!

Anyway, I was more excited to see the little guy in my belly... or should I say BIG guy in my belly! He is measuring 5 pounds already! OMG, that sounds really big when I still have 8 weeks to go! My husband literally gave me his condolences... really?! says at 32 weeks pregnant, your baby is the size of a squash, weighing in at 2.5 to 3.8 pounds. 

From 33-36 weeks, your baby's the size of a durian (what the hell is that anyway?), butternut squash, coconut, or honey dew, weighing about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds. That's more like it! So maybe we are a week ahead of schedule?!

I don't know why we were so surprised! Looking back, he has been bigger than average at every ultrasound we've had. At 20 weeks, he was measuring in the 69th percentile. (Who knew they even had percentiles for fetuses?!) Maybe our shock was due to the fact that 5 pounds sounds like the size of a real baby versus a head of cabbage or a rutabaga as we imagined him before. 

I asked my Doctor about his weight and what to expect when expecting a MONSTER baby. She admitted it sounded bigger than usual. But they definitely won't induce labor early just because the baby is larger since it creates an increased chance of having a C-Section. But if he is larger than 11 pounds, they may offer a C-Section when the time comes. Are we seriously talking about 11 pounds as if it's an option?

Obviously, big or small, watermelon or coconut, as long as he is healthy, that is what matters! (But I won't complain if he decides to show his face a week earlier and a pound lighter. Fingers-crossed!)

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