Tuesday, September 11, 2012

11 week milestones

I can already tell my son is going to be hell on wheels! He is so strong and determined. At 11 weeks old, he started doing crunches when in his car seat or bouncer. He'll pick his head up and try to sit up as if planning his escape... "if... I... could... just... get... outta... here...". I can't believe how fast he is growing!

He also must be looking around at all times. No more cradling a tiny baby in our arms. He has to be held upright over the shoulder so he can look all around. He is super curious about his surroundings. He loves to look at photos or artwork around the house. So we put a photo slideshow on our TV using Apple TV for him to watch (it's better than gossip TV). When he can hold his head a little steadier, I can't wait to put him front facing in the carrier to see the city whirling around him.

Since he loves the lights and images on the TV, I downloaded a baby flash cards app on my iphone/ipad. He will stare at the phone without blinking as I flip through about 40 animals. The app says the animal name and the noise the animal makes. It's pretty cool to watch him make different expressions at the animals. I think the rhinoceros is his favorite. He likes the transportation flash cards too. I'm sure he recognizes the sounds of a train and firetruck.

Another thing that started this week is using his legs to stand or push up. If you hold him on your lap, he likes to put pressure on his legs to push himself into a standing position. He'll be ready to run before he crawls!

And oh boy, the hand obsession has majorly set in. He loves to eat his hands! So much in fact, he gets frustrated and starts to cry when he can't get the whole fist in his mouth. I've offered him toys to chew on but nothing tastes better than hands (except for a little boob of course). He has no interest in Sophie the Giraffe at the moment (the number one baby toy on amazon.com)! However, my dog has a secret plan to catch Sophie one of these days and chew her to bits. I can tell he is getting hungry now when he starts chewing his hands right before feeding times.

He also likes to stare at his feet since I started putting colorful socks on him. I wonder what he's thinking and does he know his feet aren't permanently argile?!

Maybe I'm biased but he is so smart! I don't see a mindless baby. He seems to understand when I talk to him. He knows my voice. He smiles when he sees my face. It's super sweet! I also have gotten smarter over the last 2 months in understanding when he is communicating with me. His dad and I have caught on to his hunger cries versus tired cries versus pain cries. He's good at telling us what's wrong (most of the time).

It's amazing to think that in a few months he will be teething, sitting up, and crawling. Shoot, it's hard to just imagine him with hair! The first year is full of crazy milestones and he's already accomplishing so much.

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