Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Adjusting to motherhood

Okay, I know, it's been way too long... I just read my last post. Haha... "After the initial adjustment period (for me about 2 weeks), I needed to get out." Hilarious! Little did I know once the adrenaline wears off and after 10 weeks of not sleeping, the real exhaustion kicks in fun begins.

At 10 weeks, motherhood is still an adjustment! It's way harder than I expected. There is a new challenge everyday (that I overreact about). Right now it's naps, chronic 45 minute naps and no longer. How do I follow my sleep schedule book if he doesn't sleep the allotted 2 hours?! I'm really stressing over it. Let's face it, it's hard to be a mom when you have perfectionist tendencies.

First of all, I'm a planner. I like to have a schedule and plan my day, week, month and year. But no matter how many times I read and reread my parenting books, my little one decides whether he will or will not participate in my schedule. If he doesn't want to take more than a 45 minute nap, guess what!? Neither am I. If he has a blow out (aka poops out of diaper) during his baby photo shoot, guess what!? He's not wearing that knit sailor suit that grandma bought for him in the photos. If he wants to have a growth spurt filled with crying and constant eating, guess what?! My husband better not go to the U.S. Open and get his ass home to help me.

Second, I love getting things done. I make a list of things I've already done just to cross them off. Seriously, I love the feeling of accomplishment. I'm not accomplishing much these days. Just ask my husband the last time he came home to dinner waiting on the table for him. Ask me the last time I shaved my legs (that's a real brain teaser). Or the last time I really played with our dog. The fact of the matter is my baby takes up all my time right now. I can't imagine moms who have infants AND older kids to care for or jobs to go to. Kudos to you!

Third, I'm a control freak. I like being in control. I like taking the necessary precautions or making preparations to create the best possible outcome. And with a baby, there is just no way of knowing how the day will go. It could be good, bad or ugly.

Lastly, I just need sleep. Sleep is a magical thing. If you are reading this, go to sleep right now. Just do it for me. Okay, it could be worse. My baby is actually pretty easy at night. He wakes twice to feed between bedtime and morning. It's more MY problem. I have a moms ear. I hear every little grunt and fuss and coo. He's in our room so how could I not (I'll have to ask my husband since he appears to sleep like a log at night). And why can't I sleep during the day when I have the chance. Everyone says sleep when they sleep. I just don't get much sleep and I may never again.

And so I'm adjusting... I'm learning to not be a perfectionist, planning, accomplished, control freak who needs sleep. 

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