Monday, October 1, 2012

The problem with pants

My son is such a string bean... he is sooo tall! In fact, he was in the 97th percentile for his height at his 2 months pediatrician check up.

This hasn't been a real concern until he recently started wearing pants! All summer, he lived in onesies. It was great! Now that autumn has set in in NYC, it's just chilly enough that the kid needs to wear pants. Now, here is the problem... The clothing size for his age 3 months are too short. Footed pajamas are out of the question because his poor little toes are curled under like a geisha. I seriously considered cutting all the footies off! And normal pants look like capris! The pant legs only reach his knees! So now I have a 3 month old who needs size 6 months. But here is the other problem, he is so skinny long and lean that the waist band is too big and the pants just fall to his ankles. What's a kid to do?!

They aren't kidding when they say "kids grow so fast". We have two storage bins now... one of too small clothing/toys and one too big clothing/toys. I go through it about once a week looking for what he might be able to fit into today. Needless to say, we have a rotating wardrobe. Hopefully, he gets to wear each outfit at least once before he poops on it or outgrows it. I can't believe all the "stuff" that is starting to pile up... clothes/toys/gear... you name it. For example, he outgrew the moses basket and now sleeps in his pack and play in our room. He got bored with his baby swing and now prefers the bouncer.

I decided I can't save EVERYTHING and recently picked out some clothes to donate to a local event called Little Swappies - a clothing and toy swap meet. The great thing about a swap is you get rid of stuff you don't want and pick out new (used) stuff! (So much for cleaning house.) I don't mind used clothing in good and clean condition especially when I know he may only wear it a couple times. I  successfully found some pants by Carters, sweaters by Baby Gap and Ralph Lauren and even a long sleeve onesie with bulldogs on it! All for free. The left over swap items are donated to the Covenant House - a shelter for mothers under the age of 21 and their babies.

Another thrifty thing I did was to check out Clementine Consignments in Greenwich Village. We walk past it everyday on the way to and from Washington Square Park and I've been meaning to stop by. They sell higher end clothing for maternity and children. I was searching for a winter coat/bunting suit but they didn't have the true winter stuff on display yet. I did buy a Gap Baby one piece that was extra thick for cold weather for $11.00. Not bad!

I'm actually excited to finally buy "my style" of baby clothing which I would describe as "city hipster". I want my kid to be cool. I don't want him to get beat up on the playground for wearing a knit sailor suit (apologies if you've ever dressed your kid in a sailor suit). In my online shopping experience, I love Old Navy for babies. There is always stuff on sale! I bought a few pieces this week including a cute zip fleece hoodie, cargo pants with a plaid cuff, and a striped long sleeve waffle shirt onesie. I love the bright playful colors!

Among all the ridiculously expensive baby boutiques in NYC, I'm happy to find quality alternatives for our growing boy, especially PANTS!

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