There are a lot of things I can't do now that I'm pregnant (rollerblading and skiing to name a few). So I was thrilled to find a prenatal yoga class that I LOVE! Initially, I had my doubts. I've practiced basic yoga a few times before, but never considered myself a devoted yogi. Mainly, I didn’t want to walk into a class of crunchy granola earth mothers.
First, Cat the instructor is super informed on how pregnancy affects our bodies and she is a certified doula on top of her yoga training. Every pose and stretch in yoga is specifically designed with a pregnant woman’s body in mind. For example, at the beginning of class, we go around and introduce ourselves and share any ailments we’ve been experiencing like lower back pain, leg cramps, the usual. Cat usually responds with a medical explanation as to why we are experience those aches and pains (growing uterus, sacroiliac joint pain, pressure on our sciatic nerve – see don’t I sound smart?!) and which poses will help us stretch or eliminate the discomfort or which poses to modify as to not irritate it.
After 12 weeks of attendance, I recognize the regulars now. It’s fun to see how all of our bodies are growing and when someone doesn’t make it to class in late pregnancy, I wonder if she had her baby. One day, that will be me and I’ll have to remember to email Cat to tell her my zen baby has arrived.
I picked Yoga Vida in Union Square because of the great reviews on The class is 90 minutes every Sunday. From my very first class at 14 weeks, I was hooked.
Second, it’s nice to be in a room of my peers. I don’t just feel like the whining pregnant lady, I feel like one of many whining pregnant ladies. It’s also comforting to know other preggies are experiencing the same symptoms as me. Plus, I’m making pregnant friends which will come in handy when we are all new moms around the same time.
Third, there is an element of mediation and relaxation involved. At the beginning and end of each class, we have about 5 minutes of total quiet and relaxation where we clear our minds and just be still. Throughout class, we are instructed to think about our babies and how each pose affects their position too. I leave yoga feeling so relaxed and happy (until I hear the honking taxi’s on the street outside).
Fourth, Cat explains how many of the positions can be brought into labor to help move the baby into the right spot to advance labor. The breathing can be applied to labor too. Not like crazy “hee hee hooo” Lamaze breathing, just conscious equal parts inhale and exhale to try to stay focused on the present moment instead of screaming and stressing out.
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